Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study of Video and Website Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Video and Website Planning process Answer: Planning process adopted by managers in organizations An effective planning helps the business organization to grow and enhances the performance of both the organizational and the individual performance; however a wrong planning can also lead in harming the performance of the organization. Explanation of the Topic Sentence Managing different individuals in an effective way is a expertise that requires a continuous planning and further development. Jeston and Nelis (2014) indicated thatmanagement is always concerned regarding the best accomplishment of the organizational objectives and goals. Therefore the manager needs to develop skills to drive all the individual performances toward a common goal. According to Harper (2015) themanagement of a business organization is the procedure where all the resources such as technology, human resources, jobs and other resources are coordinated and combined in an effective manner so that the organization is capable in achieving the organizational goals and objectives. Booth (2015) have opined that in doing so, the manager should have a proper planning that would help him or her in reaching the goals. The planning generally consists of five major steps where each of the steps is significant in completing the entire process. Themanagement planning within the business organization consists of setting the goals, developing the commitment of the employees towards the goals, developing an effective action plan, tracking the progress of the entire procedure towards the achievement of goal and retaining the flexibility in the entire planning process. In this section, the planning procedure will be discussed with the help of various literatures. Setting the goal Every planning within the business organization includes a certain goal and objective, therefore as Hill, Jones and Schilling (2014) indicated the first step of an effectual planning is to set the goals. However, for having a well organized strategy the goal should be challenging and specific. Precise goals provide the aim for the employees so that the manager can evaluate and measure their individual performance with a standard. According to Galliers and Leidner (2014) having effective goals for the organization, the manager should also follow the SMART guideline. This guideline involves the goals to Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. While setting the goals the goals need to be specific and clear so that the employees of the organization can focus their efforts on the goal. The goals should also be measurable so that the manager can track the progress towards the goals. In addition to that, the goals should also be attainable and realistic so that the manager h as an idea of identifying the unnoticed opportunities within the organization and accomplish the goals (Chang 2016). Also, having realistic goals is essential so that it aligns with the other realistic and relevant goals. The goals should also be timely so that the employees have a deadline for focusing, therefore working hard towards it. Developing a sense of commitment towards the goals According to Channon and Jalland (2016) the business organization is responsible in setting the goals along with developing the sense of commitment of the employees towards the goal. The commitment towards the goal is the determination that helps the employees to achieve the goal. However as Chang (2016) opined that this commitment does not grow in an automatic way within the employees. The managers should influence the employees in a way so that they grow a sense of commitment towards the goal and commit to it. Hill, Jones and Schilling (2014) states that, the most common approach of doing this is to set the goals in a way that all the employees participate to it. If there is not adequate commitment the plan may lead to failure. Developing an effective action plan This can be the third step of developing an effective planning within the business organization. Wilton (2016) states that the action plan should contain the particular stages, the responsible employees, necessary resources and the specific time frame for achieving the goal, or else the plan may lead to failure. Tracking the progress of the entire procedure According to Paill et al. (2014) tracking the development can be done by two different ways; the first one is to set the long and short term goals so that the employees stay motivated towards the final goal, and the second way is to assemble and provide the employees their performance feedback regularly. Both the methods can be effective to keep the track of the progress. Retaining the flexibility The managers should remind that action plans can be inadequately visualized previously; therefore the manager should be flexible enough so that if there is some necessary changes, it should welcomed in a positive manner. Therefore it can be understood that the planning process needs to be well organized so that it leads the organization in further improvement and enhanced the individual performance of the employees. Application of relevant frameworks As stated by Jackson, Schuler and Jiang (2014) the strategic planning within an organization should involve well organized stages such as the planning and implementation stages. The below figure describes the model that acknowledges the nature of the planning. Figure 1: Strategic Planning Process Model Source: Hill, Jones and Schilling (2014) This model shows that the planning process needs to be adequately effective so that the managers can implement the entire process within the organization to meet the organizational goal. Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that the manager should plan the entire process following different approaches while being adequately flexible with the action plans, so that the necessary changes can be made. With the help of a rational decision making process, the manager would be able to make the organization reach its goals. However, the manager should also plan to avoid any kind of possible conflicts so that the employees do not deviate from their objective. An effective planning can make the organization successful, however at the same time from the previous discussion it can be understood that if the plan is not adequately effectual, it may lead to failure as well. Summary of Ferguson Plarres organizational history Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses has an interesting organizational story as the founders of the organization have their root back in England. However both the families had settled in Australia decades earlier. Later they had opened the caf which has retailed the European style bakehouses after surviving through several ups and downs such as the Great Depression and the World Wars. The families had their significant share of contribution to the field of baking; therefore later they had merged into one organization and became the Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses during 1980 ( 2017). The organization is one of the famous baking firms with their incredible desserts, meat pies, and the wedding and birthday cakes. After around two hundred years of experiences the organization is one of the leading one in the market place. The organization had started franchising in the year 1987, where the other members of their families wanted to open individual and independent stores. Therefore they had come up with the legal processes and legal contracts that gave the members right to use the name of the business and the entire system. Initially the system was only the part of the family members, however soon the organization started giving franchise to the non family members as well. The organization started giving out the non family members franchise since 1990 and since then the numbers of stores increased and it still keeps on growing. Ferguson Plarres approach to goal setting The organization has been in the industry over hundred years. The organization has faced several challenges that had weakened the organization yet it has been maintained its business and track record since its initial days. The organization had accepted all the changes and modified its business approaches accordingly. The organization has maintained a top down approach in set the goals as the prime responsibility is always on the higher management; however the employees are valued within the organization as well. The organization has always followed the SMART goals in order to set the goals and they have always set the measurable specific goals, so that the management can stick to the realistic goals that are relevant to the time and the goals are met within a certain time frame. The organization has also been flexible throughout, so that it can incorporate the necessary changes to the action plan considering the situation of the market. Tracking progress toward goal achievement Ferguson Plarre track the achievement of the goals as it is one of the essential steps for accomplishing the organizational goals. The organization always tracks the regular progress adhering to the bigger picture. While reflecting upon the goal of the organization the organization tends to look at the long term goals and tracks its progress. Also the organization tends to stick to its measured goals; however it is always open to adapt different changes within the model. It has met several challenges so far yet the management believes that those had only made the organization stronger. With the increasing competition, the organization has improved its product quality and improved its product range as well. References Anderson, D.L., 2016.Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications. Booth, S.A., 2015.Crisis management strategy: Competition and change in modern enterprises. Routledge. Chang, J.F., 2016.Business process management systems: strategy and implementation. CRC Press. Channon, D.F. and Jalland, M., 2016.Multinational strategic planning. Springer. (2017). Birthday Cakes, Celebration Cakes, Sweets Savouries Online | Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 May 2017]. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E., 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Harper, C., 2015.Organizations: Structures, processes and outcomes. Routledge. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014.Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Jackson, S.E., Schuler, R.S. and Jiang, K., 2014. An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management.The Academy of Management Annals,8(1), pp.1-56. Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014.Business process management. Routledge. Mellor, S., Hao, L. and Zhang, D., 2014. Additive manufacturing: A framework for implementation.International Journal of Production Economics,149, pp.194-201. Paill, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O. and Jin, J., 2014. The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study.Journal of Business Ethics,121(3), pp.451-466. Wilton, N., 2016.An introduction to human resource management. Sage. Answer:

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